Sound of The Stones
The Sunday Times 15/06/1973

LIFE - Keith Richards, Music, Profiles
Keith Richards

Thirty years after I wrote this piece, Keith Richards asked me to help him write his autobiography ‘Life’. It linked straight back to this moment when I had asked if I could interview him specifically to ask him not about drugs but about exactly how he played the guitar; how he got those unique sounds that nobody could copy. You heard one chord and you knew it was Keith. As a guitar player myself I was mystified. But very few people had interviewed Keith by himself. The story, for many years after this was all Jagger. And Keith was not all that approachable; he was a little fearsome in aspect and manner. I got to him finally in some rehearsal room and tentatively put my question. He replied ‘Oh I can tell you all about that’ He liked the piece and we became friends.